Hypercorrection: hyphenating ‘ly’-adverb–adjective combinations
A noun is a thing, like an apple or regret. If we talk about a red apple or a great regret, both ‘red’ and ‘great’ are adjectives. So what’s an adverb?
A noun is a thing, like an apple or regret. If we talk about a red apple or a great regret, both ‘red’ and ‘great’ are adjectives. So what’s an adverb?
Definition: Misusing grammatical rules by overthinking how they should be applied or applying them in the wrong context At some point, we might have been told that it is better manners to say 'yourself', instead of 'you'. Or 'you and I' instead of 'you and me'. But if your teacher were to tell you that 'Fred [...]
Today, an email passed in front of my eyes. It was sent by an Important Person to the whole of a large organisation. The tone was conversational, but with an air of gravitas. Please be aware that myself, Person X and Person Y have moved offices to... I'm sure you've seen this kind of thing [...]