Word of the day2017-05-19T08:20:23+10:00

Welcome to our growing collection of obscure, yet useful, words of the day!

Commit these to memory to become the life of the party, while others gather around, swooning with delight at your witty, erudite banter.

Or perhaps use them to craft creative insults for your geeky friends… (It’s ok; this is a safe place!)

Word of the Day: Groak

Definition: To silently watch someone eating in the hope they will offer you food. Oh, how I wish the Little Squeak would groak. Instead, he generates decibels and yells 'Cheeeese'.

Word of the Day: Absquatulate

Definition: To leave somewhere abruptly. Oh dear. I must absquatulate. I was really enjoying this meeting about how to be an aggressively forward-facing corporate citizen in the current market space. You guys, keep up the [...]

Word of the Day: Petrichor

Definition: The smell accompanying the first rain on dry soil. After a hot and dry week, a brief but intense shower left rainbows, petrichor and a very slippery footpath.

Word of the Day: Quisquilious

Definition: Made of rubbish, or in the nature of rubbish or waste material On the day of the Prime Minister's visit, there was an unfortunate incident in the main street involving a garbage truck, a [...]

Word of the Day: Ultracrepidarian

Definition: Giving opinions outside one's knowledge or area of expertise (adjective or noun). Thinking he was attending the annual Astronomy Society dinner, the noted astronomer accidentally wandered into a meeting of the Astrology Association across [...]

Word of the Day: Fabiform

Defintiion: Resembling a bean. After his first woodwork project at school, Brian proudly presented his mum with a stool that had a fabiform seat and tenuously-attached legs of different length. Sitting on it was a [...]

Word of the Day: Cacchinate

Definition: To laugh loudly. Kookaburra cacchinates in the old gum tree. At 4am. The Little Squeak was impressed! But I was not ... Where is my coffee?`

Word of the Day: Grandiloquent

Definition: Pompous or extravagant in language, style or manner—especially when trying to impress. When the Big Boss was around, Sebastian liked to walk the floors and loudly tell his co-workers to be more client-focussed, efficient, effective and [...]

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