Word of the day2017-05-19T08:20:23+10:00

Welcome to our growing collection of obscure, yet useful, words of the day!

Commit these to memory to become the life of the party, while others gather around, swooning with delight at your witty, erudite banter.

Or perhaps use them to craft creative insults for your geeky friends… (It’s ok; this is a safe place!)

Word of the Day: Troglodyte

Definition: A cave dweller or a person who is considered to be old fashioned or out of date in their views. We accidentally hired a troglodyte. When we casually mentioned ‘Outlook’ and ‘send’ in a [...]

Word of the Day: Antejentacular

Definition: Occurring before breakfast. Marjorie's herbalist had lectured her about the calming properties of eating tomatoes and celery for breakfast. Dutifully, she was roasting some tomatoes and viewing some celery when a banging and shouting alerted [...]

Word of the Day: Glossolalia

Definition: Meaningless syllables strung together haphazardly to resemble language. Glossolalia is a medical term, most often used to describe the profuse or emotionally charged speech associated with religious ecstasy or some forms of schizophrenia. The [...]

Word of the Day: Xerophagy

Definition: Eating dry food especially as part of a religious fast. Herbert was a method actor and evangelist. At Lent, he gave up eating everything except bread and water. Practising xerophagy, he concluded, was not as [...]

Word of the Day: Qualtagh

Definition: The first person you see after leaving your house on a special occasion (especially New Year) Herbert was superstitious. He averted his eye at black cats. Was too tall for ladders. Wouldn’t let umbrellas [...]

Word of the Day: Mainour

Definition: A stolen thing that is found on or near the thief. When Mrs Fiddleton-Pong's prize oscars went missing, she stormed over to her neighbours' house and requested an audience with Cecil. Cecil was somewhat of a fish [...]

Word of the day: Lalochezia

Definition: Relief from stress or pain through swearing. (Though, I like to think of it as 'swearing for pleasure'.) Judy's doctor told her she may get some relief from joining the Laugh Out Loud group, [...]

Word of the Day: Aboulia

Definition: An inability to act or make decisions. (It's a medical condition.) Sometimes, I wonder if I should ask a doctor if I have aboulia. But I shouldn't. Should I?

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