Word of the day2017-05-19T08:20:23+10:00

Welcome to our growing collection of obscure, yet useful, words of the day!

Commit these to memory to become the life of the party, while others gather around, swooning with delight at your witty, erudite banter.

Or perhaps use them to craft creative insults for your geeky friends… (It’s ok; this is a safe place!)

Word of the Day: Gongoozler

Definition: A person who idly watches activity on a canal. I got an email from a man in Venice, who said he could make me the city’s Gongoozler in Chief. All I need to do is [...]

Word of the Day: Psithurism

Definition: The sound of wind rustling in the trees. Listening to the psithurism, the koala fell asleep and dreamed of dinner.

Word of the Day: Balbutient

Definition: (adj.) Stammering or stuttering The balbutient pirate taught his patient parrot to say ‘Pass the rum’ on his behalf. He was getting very thirsty trying to say it by himself.

Word of the Day: Aeolist

Definition: A pompous bore who pretends to have inspiration or spiritual insight. How to remember this word: Aeolus was the God of Wind—so an aeolist is someone who pontificates through their posterior. Anyway, I’m glad I looked [...]

Word of the Day: Gambrinous

Definition: Full of beer. When I am gambrinous, I fall asleep in the middle of a … On a scholarly note, I reckon it’d be fun to be this guy. Even if he isn’t really the King [...]

Word of the Day: Nudiustertian

Definition: Relating to the day before yesterday Because I was abducted by a poetic, cockroach-fearing alien on Sunday, I was unable to write my nudiustertian WOTD post. I am very glad to be back, although [...]

Word of the Day: Hypercorrection

Definition: Misusing grammatical rules by overthinking how they should be applied or applying them in the wrong context At some point, we might have been told that it is better manners to say 'yourself', instead [...]

Word of the Day: Blattoid

Definition: Resembling a cockroach. The alien said: there are things I avoid Things that make me sad and annoyed Objects with slime Or ones covered in grime But I admire those creatures blattoid (Apparently, they [...]

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