Sentences that can’t be passive voice

There are certain sentences that simply cannot be rephrased in passive voice. Again, I'm not talking about a vibe... It's a grammatical thing. Consider this: Active: He is going to become an editor. Try and make that passive... An editor is going to be become by him? The thing is, the subject and the object [...]

By |2017-05-19T08:20:55+10:00March 8th, 2015|Did you know, Grammar|Comments Off on Sentences that can’t be passive voice

Hypercorrection: Me, myself and I

Today, an email passed in front of my eyes. It was sent by an Important Person to the whole of a large organisation. The tone was conversational, but with an air of gravitas. Please be aware that myself, Person X and Person Y have moved offices to... I'm sure you've seen this kind of thing [...]

By |2016-12-14T16:11:37+10:00March 3rd, 2015|Did you know, Grammar|Comments Off on Hypercorrection: Me, myself and I

Apostrophes, and how not to use them

Apostrophes: The punctuation mark most likely to freak out the grammatically obsessive compulsive. Some of us have learned to block out excessive exclamation marks, deal with over-earnest ellipses… come to terms with Tenuous Title Case, and cope with careless comma splices, but when someone uses an apostrophe to indicate a plural, we may twitch a [...]

By |2017-05-19T08:20:56+10:00March 1st, 2015|Did you know, Grammar, Punctuation|Comments Off on Apostrophes, and how not to use them
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