About Rory

Writer, editor, musician, plain English evangelist, content ninja for hire, and general web guy, Rory does lots of things, when he has time...

9 reasons list blog posts (listicles) are complete crap

Caution: this post contains adjectives that are non traditional in a business writing context. To rephrase that, there is some mild moderate swearing. Oh, and I think I’ve used my entire week’s quota of ellipses. You see these things all the time. You know, social media clickbait: 17 Words You Should Never Use, 7 Mistakes [...]

By |2020-05-16T09:00:35+10:00April 29th, 2015|Personal, Web writing|1 Comment

Word of the Day: Tintinnabulate

Definition: Make a light, clear ringing sound; tinkle It was Christmas Eve and Santa was grumpy. People carried on about him going down chimneys as though they didn't know he was claustrophobic. When he'd told Mrs Claus, she told him to stop complaining and get into the Christmas spirit. So he did. Lots of different Christmas spirits. Very [...]

By |2015-04-21T05:49:41+10:00April 21st, 2015|Uncategorised, WOTD|Comments Off on Word of the Day: Tintinnabulate

Word of the Day: Preantepenultimate

A word constructed nearly entirely from affixes, all from Latin: Pre (meaning 'before'), ante (meaning 'before'), pen (meaning 'almost'), and ultimate (meaning 'final').

By |2017-05-19T08:20:34+10:00April 14th, 2015|WOTD|Comments Off on Word of the Day: Preantepenultimate

First rule of Blog Club

It's not 'don't talk about Blog Club'—it's the complete opposite: talk lots! Luckily, Minnie has been creating some excellent words of the day posts. But, I've been absent. I have a short contract at the moment, so have been a bit busy. But, there are some fun things on the horizon! Besides posts with more [...]

By |2017-05-19T08:20:52+10:00April 10th, 2015|Personal|Comments Off on First rule of Blog Club

Numbers are big

Humans don’t really get numbers. Some isolated communities function without having numbers bigger than 4, which incidentally is about the highest number of ‘things’ we can reliably count with a glance. 1 thing. No worries. 2 things. Yep. Got it. 3 things. Indeed. At a glance, I’m all over this. 4 things. That’s 4 things, [...]

By |2017-10-30T11:34:08+10:00March 27th, 2015|Awesome, Numbers|Comments Off on Numbers are big
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